Coordinator Training Calls with Anna Von Reitz

This particular video from December 7th, 2023 is the first of a series of training calls intended for County and State Coordinators, but it is also an excellent overview for the new member; providing the context for what we are doing in the State Assemblies. Anna Von Reitz covers the functions of the American government on the Land jurisdiction, the different sub-assemblies (“the Four Pillars”) and where we are in the process of standing up those assemblies. This series is also listed on the Educational Videos page.

New Member Orientation Provided by the Oklahoma Assembly Education Committee

Zoom invite link:

  • The 2nd Tuesday of every month.
  • 7PM – 8:30PM.
  • Meeting ID:   853 8283 0022
  • Passcode:  039727
  • Hosted by: Bart Draeger, New Member Orientation Committee
  • Subjects covered in this course:
    • Fundamental Concepts
    • Essential History of American Government
    • Structure of the Assembly
    • What is the Federation of States?
    • Purpose of Paperwork
  • For more information on the New Member Orientation Class, please contact the New Member Orientation Committee.

New Member Orientation Series, March 4th, 2024, American Common Law 101

This is a presentation put together by Michelle Ford, the State Coordinator for The California Assembly. Michelle covers subjects like what a republic is, the subject of jurisdiction, what it means to be a “Citizen”, the birth certificate fraud, and how to correct your status to American State National, to name a few. Although this video is not from The Oklahoma Assembly, it still does an excellent job of explaining many fundamental concepts of American Common Law, and so it has been added to our own New Member Orientation Series.

New Member Orientation Series, February 15th, 2024, A Thought Exercise in Capacities

This is the first in a series of shorter videos to help explain key concepts. This video explains the differences between the Land and Sea jurisdictions, their associated unincorporated and incorporated capacities, and the confusion that ensues when people and Legal Entities have similar names.

New Member Orientation Series, February 26th, 2024, An Example of Several Capacities

This video begins with a conceptual overview of how the same group of people can operate in several different capacities in parallel. Then the presentation goes into more detail about how the American Land jurisdiction government is also divided into different capacities, or jurisdictions, namely; Land & Soil, Sea, and Air.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 1, Fundamental Concepts

This presentation was delivered by the New Member Orientation Committee. It explores foundational subjects including the origin of law, the 3 jurisdictions of law, the Land & Soil jurisdiction, men & women in their private capacity, mankind as compared with legal fictions, lawful persons vs. legal persons, private property rights, law vs. legal contracts. These concepts are fundamental to understanding how a “de jure”, or a “lawful” republic functions. This New Member Orientation is the pre-requisite for all courses offered through The Oklahoma Assembly.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 2, Actual Sovereign Government

This gives an overview of the American Republic (exclusively Land & Soil jurisdictions), the American federal governmental service contractor operating in the International Land & Sea, the British sub-contractor and the Municipal (Papist) sub-contractor offering governmental and trust management services. The American federal contractor was considered not functioning after the civil war, as well as the Confederacy of States and the Federation of States; but the British and Municipal sub-contractors have been continuing to offer those governmental services and trust management services while the American Republic was “in interregnum” and “in reconstruction” for 160 years.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 3, Estate Trusts

This is a broad overview on Estate Trusts, why they were created, and how they are used by the federal government. Estate Trusts are commercial vessels created by the [district] United States of America, Inc. via HJR-192, which is modeled after England’s Cestui Que Vie Act in 1666; all of which are “Roman Inferior Trusts”. The United States of America is an incorporated entity, but incorporated entities cannot “achieve parity” with the living; those of mankind. By semantic deceit, the federal [contractual] government created commercial vessels [estates] for each American in 1933 and named each estate using a newborn American’s name, and then claimed that all of those estates were assets owned by the United States of America Inc. [minor, or district]. The Birth Certificates were then used as surety, or securities, which back those estates. In this way, the incorporated federal governmental service contractors had a “handle” or a method that they could relate or “latch” onto living Americans. Americans were not in the habit of recording their names to the Land record to provide authentic and actual proof that they were domiciled on the Land jurisdiction, so the governmental service contractors were free to “presume” that there were no Americans on the land, and that they were all US Citizens, and that they were each considered surety for the commercial trusts named after them. Because Americans were considered “US Citizens”, another federally enfranchised legal entity, they were not considered to own anything. So although Americans thought that they owned land and homes and cars, because there was no proof at all on the Land record (County Clerk Land Records Office) that they were domiciled on the Land jurisdiction, and there was considerable documentation of their commercial estate, everything that an American owned – all his private property – was therefore considered to be an asset in that Commercial Vessel/Estate which had his name. This meant that everything an American created, owned, received, thought of – all his labor for his life – it is all “presumed” to be assets in the legal vessel/estate trust and surety for the debts of the district United States of America, Inc.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 4, Land & Soil Jurisdictions

There are 3 jurisdiction of law. Land, Air and Water (Sea); L.A.W. The Air jurisdiction is ecclesiastical, the International Sea jurisdiction is for commerce between incorporated entities, and the International Land jurisdiction is for living men and women and trade.

This presentation covers States and counties, as they operate in the Land & Soil jurisdictions. The first, or highest, or most fundamental, is the national soil jurisdiction, which is physically defined as the surface to 6 inches below. The soil jurisdiction is populated by State Nationals, who owe no duty or obligation to the civil government (they are not citizens), but are owed a republican form of government. A succinct definition of a State National is a “sovereign without subjects”.

There are 77 counties in Oklahoma, and each county exists in the national soil jurisdiction, meaning the jurisdiction and therefore the law in that county over-stands the laws of other counties and other jurisdictions; however the laws in that county must be in harmony with the Constitution for the united States of America (otherwise those laws would be null and void).

The (unincorporated office of the) Sheriff, acting in the capacity of a State Citizen, enforces the Constitution in that county, and is elected by the State Nationals in that county. Because the county is in the soil jurisdiction, the Sheriff is the highest ranking peacekeeping official within the borders of that county, outranking all other peacekeeping officials and law enforcement officers in America; including the US Marshalls, Continental Marshalls, US Armed Forces, and the National Guard — only within the borders of that county.

Because of the absolute and local power of the soil jurisdiction, each county is isolated from doing international business with other nation states. Our American forefathers arranged this isolation to create a buffer between the super-power of the soil jurisdiction and the international Land jurisdiction; to effectively protect the local counties from outside influences of other sovereign nations with competing agendas. This arrangement also has the effect of decentralizing the power of the soil jurisdiction – the highest authority – and restricting this powerful authority only within the borders of that county.

The Oklahoma State exists in the International Land jurisdiction, and physically extends from 6 inches below the surface, down to the center of the earth. Each State Assembly has a General Assembly which oversees a Special Committee called the International Business Assembly; operated by State Citizens who have demonstrated a single allegiance to their state. That International Business Assembly conducts the international business for the State. If the counties (soil jurisdiction) desire to do business with other sovereign nation states in the international Land jurisdiction – i.e. Texas, Arkansas, Italy, France, South Carolina, etc. – those counties use their State’s International Business Assembly as an interface into the International jurisdiction.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 5, The Assembly and Committees

Each State Assembly is made up of 4 Pillars. These are the General Assembly, the Jural Assembly, the International Business Assembly and the Militia Assembly. Each pillar has its own committees.

State Nationals and State Citizens operate the General Assembly, which gives direction to the other 3 Pillars. State Citizenship is required to operate the Business Assembly and the Jural Assembly. A State Citizen is a State National who has voluntarily accepted the duties and obligations of serving in Civil Government, and has recorded additional documents to show that they have a single allegiance to their State. State Citizens must also be at least 21 years of age, and also own land; which is further evidence that they are substantially invested in their State.

New Member Orientation October 11th, 2022, Part 6, Political Statuses on the Land & Soil

The Land & Soil jurisdictions are populated by Lawful Persons, which are different from Legal Persons. Lawful Persons – American State Nationals and American State Citizens – are domiciled on the Land & Soil, which is outside and over-stands the foreign Sea jurisdiction of the federal (read “contractual”) governmental services contractors; these contractors operate in commerce only. All citizenships created by these service contractors are said to be “federally enfranchised”, and are considered to be domiciled in the same Sea jurisdiction as the incorporated entities which created them. The maxim of law which applies here is “that which one creates, one controls”. US Citizens are in this category.

US Citizens have “privileges” which are granted (or denied) by the corporate entity which created the 14th Amendment. American State Nationals have rights which are inherited at birth.

An American State National is a Private Lawful Person, is domiciled on the national soil jurisdiction (counties), and owes no duty to government, but is owed a republican form of government. The American State National is generally immune from prosecution unless he commits a crime; as defined by the doctrine of “Corpus Delicti”; which is either 1) harming someone or 2) depriving someone of their rights or 3) depriving someone of their private property. The only duties a State National has is to report crimes and keep the peace. Per the Roman civil law format “capitis diminutio minima”; meaning “no loss of status”, this status is properly written in all lower case; state national.

Sovereignty is either inherited by birthright, or granted by another sovereign. In the beginning of our history, Americans were granted sovereignty by William Belcher, who served in the Continental Army and who was a sovereign by birthright, being a descendant of William the Conqueror. The title of American State National can be used synonymously with the terms “American” and also “Sovereign”. The term “Sovereign Citizen” or “American Citizen” is a misnomer because you can cannot be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time. It is either one or the other.

“… the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people; and they truly are the sovereigns of this country, but they are sovereigns without subjects.” United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay, ALDEN v. MAINE, 527 U.S. 706 (1999) (2).

An American State Citizen is an American state national who has chosen to accept the duties and obligations of serving in civil government – the State Assembly. State Citizens must be 21 years of age, own land, cannot have dual citizenship, and must have a single allegiance to the state. In the same way that state nationals populate the national soil jurisdiction and are the “people” of that sovereign nation-state, so also State Citizens populate the International Land jurisdiction, and are the “People” who operate the civil State Assembly in International affairs. The capitalization of the P in “People” is also from the Roman civil law format “capitis diminutio”; indicating that the Citizen has duties and obligations.

State Citizens enter into these duties and obligations voluntarily, and do not retain the sovereign status while operating in this capacity of civil government. However, while they are not operating in that capacity as State Citizen, or after their term of service is complete, the man or woman defaults back to the status of state national; operating in their private capacity.

New Member Orientation, October 11th, 2022, Part 7, Federation of States

The Federation of States is an unincorporated holding company for the international and global powers of the 50 States. It is not a sovereign body politic, but it represents the interests of and negotiates for the 50 States (each is a sovereign body politic) in international and global affairs.

The Federation of States is one aspect which sets apart The American States Assemblies from other patriot groups. There are 3 protocols which have lawful (de jure) authority to summon the American State assemblies into session and they are: 1) The President of The United States of America (our Republic) can summon the State Assemblies into session. 2) If there are at least 9 State Assemblies in session, they can summon the remaining 41 States into session. 3) The Head of State of The United States of America (the Federation of States) can summon the State Assemblies into session. At the time when the States were summoned into session, only the third option was available; the Head of State of The United States of America. Our Head of State is James Clinton Belcher (the husband of Anna Von Reitz) descendant of William Belcher, who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, and as Head of State of the Federation of States after the war.

The American State Assemblies are the only assemblies which have been lawfully summoned into session by the Head of State of The United States of America – who has the authority to do so. Therefore these 50 State Assemblies are the only de jure Assemblies with the required status, standing and jurisdiction to rebuild our American Republic, lawfully, in harmony with that original Constitution for the united States of America.

One of the required characteristics of the Head of State of The United States of America, is that they must be an internationally recognized sovereign. In the beginning, each state was recognized as a sovereign nation state, but they desired to delegate their international and global negotiating powers – collectively – into one holding company to negotiate for all the State Assemblies. In the international jurisdiction, this was only possible if the holding company (The Federation of States) had a Head of State who was an internationally recognized sovereign. William Belcher was the Head of State in 1776, and today his progeny James Clinton Belcher is our Head of State.

During this time of reconstruction, the Federation of States has the fiduciary responsibility to ensure that all 50 State Assemblies are fully seated and competent to operate all four pillars of their assemblies, and each State Coordinator is vetted for this particular purpose. When compared with the British Territorial and Municipal governmental services contractors (the federal government), the Federation of States is the only fiduciary which has communicated loud and clear that the American Republic is being reconstructed, and that the American People (State Nationals and State Citizens from each State) are responsible for completing this work.

Until the Oklahoma Assembly is fully seated and competently operating all four pillars (General, Jural, Business & Militia Assemblies) our State Coordinator will continue to function as a liaison between our Assembly and the Federation of States; to equip, train and educate State Nationals and State Citizens toward the end of being fully seated. When our assembly is fully seated and competent in all State business, the State Coordinator position will sunset.

Special note for the presentation above: The Education Committee is steadily building out new curriculum, reviewing existing material for consistency, and comparing with the most up to date information provided from the Federation of States. In that spirit, an important detail needs to be addressed about the Acts of Expatriation on page 71. In short, American State Nationals are not renouncing any citizenship which was entered into willingly or voluntarily under conditions of full disclosure. Remember that the citizenship was in fact conferred when the American was still an infant, so the citizenship could not possibly have been entered into willingly or voluntarily. This is a critical area of potential confusion, and here is a very important explanation:

Reviewing the constructive trust fraud as it pertains to the individual, each American born on a state enjoys about two weeks of being a bona fide American State National with all fundamental rights guaranteed by the federal Constitutions and copyrighted Trade Name (your given name) intact. In the beginning of this period, the mother is convinced to fill out a package of paperwork that sets up an estate trust for that infant. Depending on which governmental services corporation was in business at the time, it will be a Foreign Situs Trust, or a Cestui Que Vie trust, or a Public Transmitting Utility. All of these are a form of legal estate trust, which are a Legal Person, or legal vessel or “Strawman”, which are either domiciled in the Sea or the Air jurisdiction.

What most mothers do not do, because they are not aware of the importance or have grown out of the habit, is to record that baby’s name to the public Land record; by making a public announcement, or posting it in the newspaper, or recording the time and place of birth and the baby’s name at their local County Land Records Office. In earlier times, many families would record that information in the “end papers” or the inside face of the cover of the family Bible.

Because most Americans no long do this, the State of State (i.e. State of Oklahoma, State of Texas, State of Arkansas) then presumes that the baby has died, and is now a “decedent”, and has died “intestate”, or without a will; without instructions for how to manage their estate if they die. And because the State of State is the entity which created that estate trust, then the State of State also presumes that the estate trust is now a “ward of the State”. The effect of these presumptions, which are made “accidentally on purpose” is that a citizenship is conferred upon that infant, without their consent. This is called “unlawful conversion”, because it unlawfully converts a living man or woman into a Legal Person through an unconscionable arrangement without full disclosure. In other words, fraud. The State of State then goes on to presume that this estate trust includes the lifetime labor of this newly enfranchised US Citizen and all of their private property, and consequently pledges the assets of that estate trust as “surety” and “chattel”, backing the debts of the State of State entity.

Remember that in the commercial Sea jurisdiction, a presumption stands as truth, unless it is rebutted. So when those aforementioned presumptions are made (as ridiculous as they sound) and not rebutted, then those presumptions stand as “prima facie evidence” or “truth in commerce”.

What the Act of Expatriation does accomplish is to renounce the conferring and presumption of citizenship which was made without their knowledge. This is the main point to remember.

Per the fraud described above, the American State National did not choose US Citizenship or any other federally enfranchised citizenship with full disclosure, and was not aware that any citizenship was conferred upon him during infancy, and was not aware that his lifetime labor and all private assets were pledged to back the debts of a foreign corporation.

For these reasons, the Act of Expatriation renounces all of these presumptions, which were made without his knowledge and without full disclosure.

Granna’s bites: The Government. How it was and how it is.

Our Actual Sovereign American Government, Structure & Jurisdictions

Follow this link for a presentation made by the Pennsylvania Assembly.

The Federation of States & The Assembly Structure & Plan: This document was written by the Texas Assembly, but is presented here as supplemental educational material for the Oklahoma Assembly.